How did I let it happen? How did I wake up one day to find myself at 286 pounds and completely miserable in my own body? It happened, I can't blame anyone but me. And only I can fix it. So I am. On December 23, 2009 I had Lap-Band Surgery with Dr. John Marsden. I'm down 100 pounds so far with about 25 to go.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Checking in

Yesterday was not too bad for a Tuesday!

I don't have a lot of time (heading to see Spamalot with Beth tonight!) but I got out of my workshop and wanted to do a quick update before I make like a tree.

Today's Weight: Honestly, no idea. I didn't even bother to get on the scale this morning!

Burned: 2062
Consumed: 1403
Deficit: 659
Steps: 2876
Activity: 13 minutes

Short and sweet is the order of the day. Til tomorrow!

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